
DataSpark presents at Asia Pacific Forum

May 11, 2021

Transport planning in light of the COVID-19 pandemic will require careful and thoughtful consideration of how people's movements and travel behaviours have changed since the pandemic began. A data-driven approach to decision making regarding transport planning should be implemented in response to the pandemic.

At this year's 17th Asia Pacific Forum on Intelligent Transport Systems hosted by ITS Australia, DataSpark's Director of Data Science Consulting, Dr. Adrian B. Ellison, presented a piece of research conducted by DataSpark which analysed the change in home catchment areas for people who travelled to various central business districts around Australia, and the change in origin-destination trips that were observed as states around the country began to lock down and then gradually reopen in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These outcomes will affect transport planning in Australia going forward. A short clip from the ITS presentation can be seen below.

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